[Software Engineer]
< Web Developer />

Anton (Tony) Neuhold

Hi! I'm a Software Engineer currently working at The Predictive Index with a bachelors degree in the same from Arizona State University. I live in Canby, OR.

When not working, or learning new things about development, I like to exercise and hang out with my two pets and beautiful wife. Check out some social media links and projects below:

HaloMod SPA

Capstone project for the ASU Software Engineering program. Done on a team of 5 for an Astrophysics doctorate.


A personal project manager built with Scrum on a team with MongoDB, OAuth authentication, React, and TypeScript. Try it now by logging in with Github!

Carpet Geeks Example Website

An example website built for a small business

React Drum Machine

A drum machine built with react

React Calculator

A calculator built with react

React Pomodoro Clock

A pomodoro clock built with react

MongoDB Exercise Tracker

Built with node.js and express

Places Android App

A simple Android app built to store and map named coordinates and details for those coordinates

Places iOS App

A simple iOS app built to store and map named coordinates and details for those coordinates

URL Shortener

Built with node.js, express, and MongoDB


Built in Java as a group project for SER215


Built in Python 3.x